Saturday, January 17, 2015

Carne Asada Marinade

This is a great, fresh marinade for carne asada, or even to be used for pork or chicken.  It's citrusy and light and it takes no time to prepare. 


- Juice of 2 large oranges
- Juice of 4 limes (keep the shells of at least one lime for the marinade)
- 1 large onion, sliced
- 2 jalapeno peppers, sliced w/seeds for spice (or you can de-seed if you don't enjoy spice)
- 6 teaspoons of minced garlic
- 1 tablespoon Honey
- 1 tsp. each of:  Parsley, Oregano, Red Pepper Flakes, Onion powder, garlic powder, cumin,  pepper, and salt.
- Thin sliced steak for carne asada


1.  Slice up your steak and place in a large storage bag.

2.  Juice all your citrus, add your onion, peppers, garlic, honey, and all your seasonings.  Stir well and pour over your steak.

3.  Allow the meat to marinate for AT LEAST 1 hour, but no longer than 4 hours.

4.  Cook and serve!  This is what is looked like when I placed it into the pan.  I didn't grill the meat because it's winter time here and too cold.  I also kept the veggies from the marinade and cooked it and ate it in the tacos.  You can do what you wish.

This was pretty good served in flour tortillas and with some salsa and sour cream.  Try it out and see what you think!  Enjoy! 

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