Sunday, December 15, 2013

American Goulash (Pantry Style)

Sometimes at night, I wake up craving this.  I imagine that's probably a problem.  But anyway, it is what it is.  This dish is something I grew up on and one that just makes me happy in it's inexpensiveness and it's simplicity.


- 2 lbs Ground Beef
- 2 or 3 onions, chopped
- 1 box of Elbow Macaroni
- 2 to 2 1/2 cups of Tomato Juice
- 1 large can of Pasta sauce
- Garlic
- Parsley/Salt/Pepper to taste (optional)


1.  Begin browning your ground beef and toss in your chopped onion.  Once it's browned, remove all but a tablespoon of fat from the pan.  Discard the fat.  Add in your garlic and seasoning.

2.  Begin boiling your elbow macaroni in salted water.

3.  Toss your pasta sauce and your tomato juice in with your meat.  Once your macaroni is al dente, drain and toss your pasta in with your meat and sauce.  Let it come together for about 5-8 minutes.

Here's the final product....

OMG, this was SOOO good!  It made enough for leftovers for 2 nights and I have to say it just got better and better.  And it seems I'll have to make it again soon because I am craving it again!  Enjoy!

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