Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pasta Salad

A simple pasta salad is the perfect accompaniment for a perfect Summer time meal!  I usually pair mine with some BBQ chicken and corn on the cob as I did on the 4th of July this year.  It was perfect and easy...two really good things since I worked this year!


- 1 (16oz) box Tri-colored Rotini, cooked
- 1 (1lb) pkg Mozzarella Cheese (I bought a huge one, but only used half!)
- 1/2 bottle Italian Dressing
- 1/2 pkg of Pepperoni
- 1/2 can of Black Olives


1.  As your noodles come to a boil, drain your can of olives and slice into coins.  I used half a can, you can use more or less or if you don't like olives, you can always leave them out.

2.  Toss your olives into a large mixing bowl and toss in your pepperoni.  You don't have to chop your pepperoni, but you could definitely do that if you wish. 

3.  Now, once your pasta is cooked, rinse with cold water until it's completely cooled. 

4.  Toss that into the bowl with your olives and pepperoni.  Chop up your mozzarella into small bite sized cubes.  Toss that into the bowl as well.  Toss and then begin to pour in your dressing.  I used about half a bottle.  It's important to taste it when you've added the dressing to see if it needs more.  Also, it will absorb the dressing so you may even need to add more before serving.  It just depends on how you prefer your salads!  Stir together and place in the fridge to chill.

Here's the final product.....
