Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Lokshen Kugel

Lokshen Kugel is a Jewish casserole made primarily with egg noodles.  They can be savory or sweet.  My family and I do not prefer the sweet Kugels, therefore this dish is a savory Kugel.  Now, I know that when you read the ingredients, you are going to think...."ugh".  But, really, give it a try!  It will definitely surprise you! 


- 24 oz container of Sour Cream
- 24oz container of Cottage Cheese
- 8 Tablespoons butter, melted * You will need 6 for the mix and 2 to saute the onions/garlic*
- 4 Eggs
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- 1 Tablespoon dried Parsley
- 1 16oz bag of Egg Noodles
- 4 cloves of Garlic, minced
- 1 large onion, diced
- Shredded Cheddar Cheese (couple of handfuls)

*Cheese and Parsley not pictured....(oops!)


1.  Heat your oven to 350 degrees.  Start boiling your noodles and chop your onion.

2.  Heat up a skillet and begin to saute your onions and garlic.  This will smell AMAZING! ;-) Continue cooking until they brown, but NOT burn!

3.  In a large bowl, toss in your Sour Cream, Cottage Cheese, salt & pepper, Parsley, eggs, and melted butter.  Whisk it well to combine. 

4.  By this time, your noodles should be a nice al dente.  Drain and add the noodles into your Sour Cream/Cottage Cheese mixture.  Then toss in the onions and garlic.  Mix well!

5.  Spread your noodle mixture into a sprayed 13X9inch baking dish.  Top with some handfuls of shredded cheddar cheese and bake for about 35-40 minutes or until slightly browned. 

Here's the final product....

I was shocked at how quickly this dish disappeared!  It was so creamy and satisfying.  I loved the onion and the garlic flavor combined with the noodles and the sauce.  Give this one a try!  Enjoy!

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