Monday, May 7, 2012

Peanut Butter (or Chocolate Chip) Brownie Cupcakes

Brownie Cupcakes....doesn't that just sound like perfection?  Pairing two wonderful desserts together is genius!  I can't take credit for the genius that is Brownie Cupcakes, since I stole the recipe from Paula Deen, but I do have to say I make a mean copycat! 

- 1 box Brownie Mix
- Vegetable Oil (follow box directions for measurement)
- Water (follow box directions for measurement)
- 3 Eggs (this is for a cake-like brownie)
- Chocolate or Peanut Butter Chips
- Cupcake Liners


1.  Mix brownies together following the directions on the box except add the 3 eggs vs. the two it tells you to add.

2.  Using a tablespoon, fill the cupcake liners half way full with the brownie mix.

3.  Drop a few chocolate or peanut butter chips into the cupcake liner on top of the mix you already poured in there.  Now add on more mixture until you have almost full cupcake liner.

4.  Place in oven at 350 Degrees for 18-20 minutes.  Test with toothpick and allow to sit for about 5 minutes.


Now, don't be like me and get everything going then realize you have no cupcake liners.  It was a bitch trying to remove these, even with using cooking spray.  They didn't look pretty, but, they sure did taste yummy!  So, even though I messed up, I still consider an empty plate a success!  ;-)

*Note:  You could also make these by making the brownies from scratch, which I've done and they're even better!  However, using the mix is just easier, and sometimes, that's all a working mother (or any mother, really!) really needs, is a tasty, and EASY dessert! *

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