Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Review: Pillsbury Parmesan Basil Bread

I seen this at the grocery store recently for a $1.00 so how could I resist giving this a try?  Check it out....

This Pillsbury Parmesan Basil Bread is a new product from Pillsbury.  They have other flavors as well, but this one sounded the best to me. 
Inside the box, you have your dry mix of ingredients and your packet of yeast.  Pretty basic. 

All you have to add is the warm water.

After adding the water, the box instructs you to mix the dough together using a wooden spoon until all is combined and doughy. 

After that, toss dough out onto floured surface and knead 50-75 times, flouring as needed.

Then you will need to spray either a cookie sheet or a loaf pan with cooking spray and place your dough into it, shaping it into a loaf as you go.  Let the dough sit for 12 minutes.  After you come back, using a sharp knife, cut a slit down the middle of your loaf. 

Following the box's directions, bake your bread until done.  Let sit, and then move to a cutting board to enjoy.

MY VERDICT:  This bread was very easy to toss together!  I did this while my daughter was in the middle of her birthday sleepover, that's how easy it was!  The taste was great and complimented our dinner of chili perfectly.  At $1.00 for a box, it's pretty cheap, so it made sense to give it a try.  Final thought...I would definitely buy this again.  :-) 

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