Monday, February 11, 2013

Peggy's Chocoloate Eclair Dessert

I was introduced to this dessert years ago by my co-worker and friend Peggy.  It's amazing!  When she brought it in for a pot luck at work, I took one taste and went back for seconds.  Then thirds!  It tastes just like a chocolate eclair but better because you can eat more of it, lol. 

Anyway, I begged Peggy for the recipe and like the doll she is, she was more than happy to hand it out!  Now I make it for my family and we all enjoy it!  It's also perfect for holidays and get togethers because you make it a head of time.  The longer is sits, the better it gets!  Try this one soon!  Oh...and thanks Peggy!!!


- 2 boxes Instant French Vanilla Pudding Mix
- 4 Cups Milk
- 1 container Cool Whip
- 1 box Graham Crackers
- 1 container Chocolate Frosting


1.  In a large bowl, mix together the pudding and milk according to directions on pkgs.  Once combined, fold in Cool Whip.

2.  Line a 13X9 inch pan with a layer of graham crackers.  Breaking them to fit if you have to.  Pour 1/2 the pudding mixture over the graham crackers.  REPEAT.

3.  For your final layer of graham cracker, spread each cracker with the chocolate frosting and lay across the pudding layer.  Once covered, use the remaining frosting to try your best at covering neatly.  Truly, it doesn't matter how it looks because it'll taste amazing!

4.  Cover pan with foil and allow to sit overnight or even a day or so.  This helps the pudding absorb into the crackers and make it tasty!

Here's the final product.....
Obviously, I wasn't able to snap a picture before it disappeared half way, lol!  But that's okay.  That just gives me a reason to make it again.  And soon!!!  Enjoy!

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